Sunday, April 29, 2012

Another painting weekend

Yesterday did the prep work and first coat around the ensuite including the down pipe.

Also underneath the sill bricks along the northern side of the extension.

Put another coat on the front windows. This photo of the one under the porch.

The other front window. Still have to paint the walls properly.

Today we did a second coat around the ensuite, sill bricks and downpipe.

To end the day did a coat on the master bedroom window. Have to clean the glass as well!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Stormwater overflow

Today the tanks filled.

The overflow went into the stilling pit near the front fence.

From the stilling pit out into the street.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Painting of downpipes

Started painting the downpipes around the house. This one at the deck post on the northern side of the extension.

At the front porch.

Along the southern side of the house.

Will need to mow the front lawn soon.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Path cleaning and fence painting

The lawn continues to grow.

We used the pressure washer to clean the paths to the house.

A clean of the fence bricks with the pressure washer and then a primer coat.

First coat of paint on the fence.

Monday, April 2, 2012

More downpipes

A great day of progress on the block thanks to our plumber. The major downpipes are in! First the northern side was completed. A thing of beauty!

Then the southern side was completed.

Then the front porch. You maybe wondering way the pipes go into the house. They run across under the house and then pop up into the water tanks on the northern side of the house.

A view down the length of the southern side of the house.

The front lawn continues to grow.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Lawn and trench - no joke

The lawn has started to grow in the front yard.

After much toiling, we finished digging a trench for the socked ag line along the retaining wall for the water tanks. This will allow water to flow down the northern side of the property.