Thursday, July 22, 2010

And the walls came tumblin' down

Meet with Andre (the builder) and Greg (the architect) today. Looks like everything is going to plan. Meeting with a kitchen designer on Wednesday evening. As they say in the slogan for the Labor party (for the election in a few weeks) - Moving Forward!
I suspect by this afternoon a lot more will be gone. I was right - more gone.


  1. Love the new skylight, guys, though it looks like it'd be a bit bright (and wet!) as a guest room now! Can't wait to see what happens next... keep the photos coming!

  2. Loved staying in "The Ivory Tower",being woken up with girlish giggles(Sophie and Lucy)and hugs. However change always makes room for building more good memories.Renovations are intense, but the result is worthwhile.

  3. Hey, it's been a week without new photos! Whazzup?
