Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Plumbing the water tanks

More work was done today on plumbing the water tanks.

More action behind the tanks.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Water tanks installed

The water tanks were position in their final resting place today. This view looking west.

This view in the opposite direction. Note the top of the two tanks are at the same height. A thing of beauty.

As a result we have a lot more room in the front yard.

A prep coat on the sill bricks at the laundry

and the study windows.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Installation of windows

Today was the start of the installation of the high gable windows. In the walk-in-robe the old window was removed

and the new one installed.

The deck beam was also painted.

Some of the scaffolding on the southern side of the house was dismantled.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Windows arrive

Yesterday a second coat was painted on the eaves and blue board at the eastern and northern sides of the extension.

Also the large deck post got two coats of "Ironstone Blue".

The most exciting event happened today with the arrival of the high gable windows. Hopefully they will be installed tomorrow but doubt it since the rain is back.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

A big day of painting

Lots done today. Prep and first coat on the upper eaves on the eastern side of the extension.

Prep and first coat on the upper parts of the blue board at the eastern and northern walls of the extension. This view looking south from the scaffolding.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Guess what? More painting

First coat on the sill bricks along the northern side of the house

and the southern side.

A second coat on the eastern and northern blue board of the extension.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Plumber returns again

The plumber returned again today. He laid pipes for the storm water from the water tanks through the front yard. This photo for the last section out to the street.

Continuing under the path and then a turn to the right towards the house.

Finally up and over the retaining wall to the tanks.

Also did some painting. This shows the first coat on the fascia board in "Ironstone Blue".

First coat on the eastern and northern blue board of the extension.

A prep coat on the sill bricks along the northern side of the house and

the southern side.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Plumber returns

Today the plumber started working on the piping for the water tanks.

A prep coat on the blue board on the eastern and northern walls of the extension.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What a surprise - more painting

The first coat on the eaves at the eastern end of the extension. This view looking north.

A view of the back yard from the scaffolding at the eastern end of the extension.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Still painting

Finished paining the blue board on the northern side of the extension.

A second coat on the eaves at the ensuite.

A prep coat on the eaves and blue board at the eastern end of the extension.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Another day of painting

The area around the water tanks was completed today with a fresh coat on the northern wall of the old part of the house.

A first coat on the eaves and blue board at the ensuite.

Start of the prep work on the high gable area at the eastern end of the extension. Put "No More Gaps" (white filler) in around the joists. This is quite high up.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

More painting

Finished off painting under the eaves along the northern side of the old part of house. The eaves are above where the water tanks will go.

Applied a prep coat to the eaves and blue board at the ensuite.

The area is coming together in readiness for the water tanks to go in (hopefully, weather permitting) on Monday.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Gutter screens and more painting

The last of the gutter screens were installed along the northern side of the extension and above the ensuite.

A prep coat for the eaves at the ensuite. You can see the ladders in the background that were used to paint under the eaves on the northern side of the old part of the house. A little scary being up that high.

Painting of the eaves along the northern side of the old part of the house. Partially complete.

Second coat on the blue board along the southern side of the extension. One of the future jobs is to clean the sill bricks and paint them.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

First coat on retaining wall

Applied the first coat onto the retaining wall and new exposed brick (in between the rain).

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Gutter screens and painting

Today "Gutter Screens" were installed along the southern side of the house and the porch.

A detailed view of the messing and how it is fastened.

The first coat of paint on the blue board along the southern side of the extension was done.

Also along the northern side of the extension.

A prep coat was applied to the retaining wall for the water tanks and the newly exposed bricks of the old part of the house.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Water tanks' retaining wall

We had our first reasonable day of weather (on a work day). The retaining wall for the water tanks was constructed. This view looking east.

This view looking west.

Also some repair work to the bricks in the wall was done.