Monday, May 30, 2011

Ceilings in the extension

Over the weekend, gyprocking of the ceilings and walls was started in the extension.

This photo looking from the kitchen area towards the study area.

This photo looking from the study area towards the kitchen area.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Filled trenches & ensuite

The plumbing along the southern side of the house is complete and the trench has been back filled.

Also in the back we got some bonus landscaping.

The tiling on the north and south walls of the ensuite are to be redone.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Preparation of ceilings

Ceilings are being prepared in the extension. This is a photo of the pantry area and laundry in the background.

A photo from the kitchen area towards the study area. The insulation (yellow bags) is ready to be installed once the ceilings are done.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Plumbing for sewer

Plumbing trench along the southern boundary.

Plumbing trench in the backyard to join up to the old sewer line.

The old sewer line. The new plumbing will come in from the left.

Preparation for the gyprocking the ceiling which starts tomorrow.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Fans and main bathroom

Fans were installed today. This one is in Bedroom 3.
Obviously the ceiling and cornices need to be painted.

Grouting of the white tiles in the main bathroom.

Installation of the IXL light/heat/fan unit in the main bathroom.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Blueboard and sliding doors

Blueboard is going up in the gables areas above the brickwork to make the house watertight.

The sliding doors have gone in. This view from what will be the kitchen area.

A view from the study area across to the lounge area. The door handles are wrong and are going to be replaced with black ones.

The underfloor heating vents are being restored in the old part of the house. This a is a view in Bedroom 3

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Electrical "first fix" in extension

As Kevin McCloud would say, "first fix" of electrical in the extension has been done. A view from the study towards the kitchen area.

A view of the lounge area from the kitchen area.

Friday, May 6, 2011

More roof carpentry

The framing above the study is complete and the colorbond roof is now on along the length of the southern side of the extension.

A view of the works from the backyard.

Looking across to the dining area and study from the lounge area.

Looking outside from what will be the kitchen area.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Roof carpentry for study

Work started on the framing for the roof above the study.

A view of the roof from within the extension.

A view over the roof from the loft gable window.

Another view of the roof from the loft gable window.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Roofing & hallway

We have had a break in the weather and the roof on the southern side of the extension is going up. A thing of beauty.

A view of the gable window in the hallway at the top of the stairs which go down to the extension.

A view along the hallway from the front door.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Floor boards & tiling

More work has been done on the floor boards inside. Here is a photo of them relaid in Bedroom 3. The stairs are up to the loft.

More tiling on the bath hob in the main bathroom.